'Extreme Unboxing': How to Buy Return Pallets From Walmart, Target, Etc. - Distractify

When asked how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted their business, Heather stated that online resellers who find items through thrifting instead of liquidator unboxing have been affected the most. Still, the couple has noticed a shift in what they're able to get rid of easily.

"Anything that you can find that occupies people inside their home sells really well," Heather said in her YouTube video. "So things that people use when they're going on vacation, such as suitcases — we cannot sell a suitcase to save our life right now because nobody's going anywhere."

They've also received an abundance of seasonal items that were "shelf-pulls," meaning the product is no longer being sold in stores. "COVID-19 hit around the time Easter happened, so Easter returns are really, really big," Heather revealed.

"We had a liquidator contact us and [say], 'Listen, if you'll just pay for the shipping, I will ship you an entire truckload of Easter eggs and Easter candy,'" Paul fondly recalled. Heather noted, "If you buy in bulk, you're gonna get the best price."

New episodes of Extreme Unboxing air Tuesdays at 10 p.m. ET on A&E.


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