On the analyses of carbon atom diffused into grey cast iron during carburisation process | Scientific Reports - Nature.com
Abstract The study employed Fick's second law of diffusion to discover some unknown aspect of carbon diffusion in grey cast iron during carburisation process. Emphasis on the experiments and theoretical modelling were established for better accomplishments. Pulverised palm kernel and eggshell additives of 70 (wt.%) and 30 (wt.%) according to the Voige law of mixture was considered as a continuous medium without considering the atomic nature of the mixture. Furthermore, a kinetic approach was described where a physical model of the substrate immersed in the carbon mixture was established while diffusion equations were modelled to establish the mechanism of carbon diffusion during carburisation. Initial composition and concentration of diffused atom remained constant which are 2.68 and 6.67% carbon. While the carburizing time used varied from 60 min, 90 min, 120 min, 150 min, 180 min and 210 min respectively at constant carburisin...